LOL poor spock
LOL poor spock
yolo me like him too
no no no and no! but still good work
Thanks dude!
lol piccolos mine *holds him close and growls* u can have vegeta just stay away from my picco lol *not trying to be a bitch just trying to be funny* anyways could u make me a piccolo pic plz
XD looks like Piccolo's in a bit of predicament betwixt two hearts... such a sad love triangle.
He's so sexy tho, I can't help but love 'em. Unfortunately he's asexual so... that sucks...
the dog in the buster is like "oh s**t"
isn't that bass? with the eye markings and all
awesome dude
omg I love your work and your show!!! if u were to reply I would just be tickled pink but u don't have to and... yeah nice work Arin
Age 27
Joined on 9/29/13